Friday, November 30, 2012



Wow, Blogger has changed a lot. Let me get this first post out of the way.

The crew:

My name is Kacie and I'm a 27-year-old mother of two. I live in the Indianapolis, Indiana metro. I started blogging in 2007 at Sense To Save, where I write about personal finance and related topics.

My husband is Shane, and he's also 27. We've been together since October 2003 and I love him more with each passing year. He's a great father, husband, friend, and such a hard worker. I lucked out with him!

Our son, Jonathan, is 3 but on the verge of turning 4 (December). He is such a joy and it has been a privilege watching him grow. He is gentle, smart, witty, kind, a little shy, generous, creative, and so precious.

Our daughter, Vivienne, is 23 months (December). She is a firecracker. Feisty, strong, stubborn, opinionated, hilarious, sweet, cuddly and smart.

They are both teaching me so much. They're giving me crash courses on parenting, but also they're teaching me general life lessons.

The Lord has used them to bring me closer to Him. I read the Bible cover-to-cover for the first time when I was pregnant with Vivienne, and I read it again while I was nursing her as a wee babe. There have been times when nothing but the grace of God got me through a trying day or phase.

The purpose here:

I want this blog to be a place for me to record our homeschooling endeavors. I'd like to remember fun things we did over the years, and share things that didn't work. Mostly, I'm envisioning this blog as a journal for my own records and memories.

I'd also like to be a part of the online homeschool community. If there is something I can contribute to other homeschooling parents, I'd love to be able to pay it forward here. Perhaps an idea here can help with your own efforts at home (either what you could try, or what NOT to do ;).

While I intend to take the task of educating my children and training them up in the way they should go very seriously, I don't expect to be extremely serious with this blog. I don't expect I'll have a regular schedule. In fact, we could go awhile with it being fairly quiet around here.

I certainly don't want this blog to be a source of discouragement to anyone. If I'm blogging about something that went well, you can be sure that there are plenty of other times where something flopped, or where we had days where nothing particularly educational happened. That's life.

If you're so inclined, I'd suggest subscribing to this blog via your feed reader so you don't have to click over if there's nothing new.

Thanks for reading!